Sunday, March 21, 2010

Guess whose back~ back again!

POp pop POP kebash!
Sound familiar? lolx its jonathan chin!!!
and he is back!!!! JOJO!!! LOLX dam miss him man! he left us for freaking 7 month
and he is back to the land of gold~ Hug hug!,well the next day we went for sushi zanmai
with karyn,Chui nee,i-jing, and the vip jonathan chin a,k,a Jojo

Jojo with long hair~* peopl call him Rain or andrew wong tsk tsk tsk
The Q was dam long for waiting for our sitting ..ish compare sushi king and sushi zanmai
I prefer zanmai man...1st of all dam fresh and nice!!sushi king cannot pakai~ look so outdate man!
Well i order quite a lot food before i-jing and chui need join us! karyn order something like steamboat.Look quite nice but i didt try it~ becuase me myself order quite a lot food also.and that day i was craving for sushi!
Here goes our Food!!

My!!! and sushi tuna is karyn One ^^v

Jojo punya =)
My!!!! ^^

Karyn one again! lolx
Later on Chui nee and i-jing Join us as well.and the most funny things is Chui nee cant recognize JoJO because jojo hair long d,and she though was andrew =="
I give her za dou!! lolx well later on we have out group PICTURE
and i found my angle for taking picture!!! woosh!

MY angle! lolx =)

CHui nee ^^
Later after Sushi zanmai~ we headed to out normal land to meet up with others!
The normal land we use to go is usj9 Mamak tanjung
We meet up alex,nick,adrian ong.willson,clanton,and we hving out chi the chat .chat the chi in tanjung
And some people was shishaing and otheres was just dreamming lolx
Well thats all for this post man! I going update real soon for some shit event that cause me Emo and angry like 

WOW she call me all the way from far land
i was kinda happy but sometimes i also feel unhappy
i just don wan to say it out~.but its great to hear her voice =)

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